Ways to drive traffic to your blog


1.Make Your Blog's Content SEO-Friendly
Search engines are a massive opportunity for traffic, yet many bloggers ignore this channel for a variety of reasons that usually have more to do with fear and misunderstanding than true problems.Taking advantage of this massive traffic opportunity is of tremendous value to bloggers, who often find that much of the business side of blogging, from inquiries for advertising to guest posting opportunities to press and discovery by major media entities comes via search.For more information on how to execute on great SEO for blogs, check out the following resources:
2.Use Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to Share Your Posts & Find New Connections
Register an account with Facebook , Twitter , Google+ , LinkedIn and share your posts , promote your blog and then you will see a huge amount of people visiting your site.

3.Use Google Analytics and Pay Attention to the Results
To most bloggers i will recommend using Google Analytics and watch to see where visits originate, which sources drive quality traffic and what others might be saying about you and your content when they link over.   The main purpose of Google Analytics is to keep a track of the no. of visitors to a site, where they come from, pageviews, traffic sources, how much time they stay on a page, and many more.Employing analytics is critical to knowing where you're succeeding, and where you have more opportunity. Don't ignore it, or you'll be doomed to never learn from mistakes or execute on potential.

4.Conduct Keyword Research While Writing Your Posts
Not surprisingly, a big part of showing up in search engines is targeting the terms and phrases your audience are actually typing into a search engine. It's hard to know what these words will be unless you do some research, and luckily, there's a free tool from Google to help called the AdWords Keyword Tool.Type some words at the top, hit search and AdWords will show you phrases that match the intent and/or terms you've employed. There's lots to play around with here, but watch out in particular for the "match types" options I've highlighted below:

When you choose "exact match" AdWords will show you only the quantity of searches estimated for that precise phrase. If you use broad match, they'll include any search phrases that use related/similar words in a pattern they think could have overlap with your keyword intent (which can get pretty darn broad). "Phrase match" will give you only those phrases that include the word or words in your search - still fairly wide-ranging, but between "exact" and "broad."
When you're writing a blog post, keyword research is best utilized for the title and headline of the post

5.Frequently Reference Your Own Posts and Those of Others

6.Participate in social sharing communities like Reddit and StumbleUpon
The major social networking sites aren't alone in their power to send traffic to a blog. Social community sites like Reddit (which now receives more than 2 billion! with a "B"! views each month), StumbleUponPinterest,TumblrCare2 (for nonprofits and causes), GoodReads (books), Ravelry (knitting), Newsvine (news/politics) and many, many more (Wikipedia maintains a decent, though not comprehensive list here).
Each of these sites have different rules, formats and ways of participating and sharing content. 

7.Choose a great design for your blog

8.Follow other blogs and comment on other blogs

9.Use Email and social networking sites to promote your blog

10.Be consistent and don't give up.
If there is an advice that i can share with every blogger, it's this:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks alot.This really works.
    Keep updating.
    Abhishek.......you rock!!!!


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